C A S E   S T U D Y:

Service Is Our Cornerstone

Unlike many companies in our industry, we do not expect our clients to have to figure out how to work with us. We make it easy. It is part of our founding principles to deliver what’s needed and serve our clients on their schedule.


A client at a large U.S. crude oil producer with a strong footprint in more than one shale basin required significant support beyond published analyses. His company’s fast-paced culture generates a high volume of ad hoc queries from multiple sources high up within the organization. He found that picking up the phone and trying to get a quick answer or point of view from many of his information service providers was impossible due to their use of gatekeepers and internal policies designed to monetize non-standard requests.

ESAI created the Analyst On-Demand program to address this rapid-fire need. This program lets clients contact the appropriate analyst directly and obtain fast-track solutions. In 2019, our on-demand team sent over 100 bespoke files to this client in response to his ad-hoc inquiries. For questions where available data couldn't provide the answer, ESAI on-demand analysts workshopped with him to think through the issue and develop a more informed point of view within the timeframe required. Furthermore, ESAI analysts took note of the patterns in his questions and proactively provided data sets and information tailored to his specific work style and needs.



If a question has a shelf life, so does the answer. By being attentive and responsive to how our client works, we help him provide more timely and valuable guidance to the decision-makers in his company. As a result, allowing them to react more quickly to market changes and competitive forces. One of the many things that make ESAI unique.

What our customers are saying.



"ESAI’s analysis team, and their own executive leadership, have always been a phone call or email away to help in a bind or to make sense of questionable developments in the market."




"We could not have kept up the quality and consistency of market analysis for our department head, our CEO, Board, and the Operations team without ESAI."




"The relationship is personal, and the product suite such a great fit that you’d swear they were co-workers a few seats over."




"ESAI Energy's report analyses always have something interesting in them I didn’t know and haven’t seen elsewhere."




"Willing to customize some data to make it more useful without making you jump through hoops."




"ESAI Energy is the only firm in the industry that provides comprehensive refinery-level data."