Fuels Outlook
The monthly Global Fuels report provides a data-driven analysis of gasoline, diesel, jetkero, and fuel oil fundamentals. These include product demand, refinery supply, nonrefinery supply, inventories, and product margins.
The monthly update begins with a bottom-up country-level approach, sieving through the latest incoming data while examining macroeconomic and policy developments affecting global transport fuel fundamentals. The in-depth analysis allows ESAI Energy to build integrated and holistic regional outlooks for product supply, demand, balances and pricing that are critical for decision makers in these markets. In addition to the regional breakdown, the report breaks out fundamentals for a dozen key countries.
The report helps clients identify the most important developments that will shape product fundamentals in the near and medium term. The report and the dataset are updated monthly and include a twelve-month outlook each month, two-year outlooks in April and October, and a five-year outlook in July.
What's included.
The Global Fuels dataset includes historic and projected monthly figures for:
Global Demand by Product
Global Inventories by Product
Product Demand, Supply, Balance, & Stocks by Region/Key Countries for:
Gasoline (including ethanol)
Gasoil (including biodiesel)
Fuel Oil (including HSFO/LSFO split)
Product Price Spreads to Crude
Dataset supporting all report aspects with country, regional data, and projections. For a full listing of table of figures, please contact us.

Benefits to you.
The report highlights key developments affecting transport fuel markets on a regional level, thereby providing clients with context on how these developments will shape the near to medium-term outlook for fundamentals and pricing. The report and the dataset are updated monthly, including a twelve-month outlook each month, two-year outlooks in April and October, and a five-year outlook in July.
Sampling of headlines.
Russian Road Fuel Demand Kept High by War
Summary: Russian diesel demand, which has risen every month since January, hit nearly 1 million b/d in April, over 150,000 b/d higher than in January and 200,000 b/d higher than last April. Greater domestic demand has allowed Russia to mitigate a decline in product exports, which have been shunned in Europe. This comes in spite of Russia's economic downturn: fueled by inflation, sanctions and strict currency controls, Russian GDP shrank 3 percent in April.
Gasoline's Slow Fade Heralds Pain Now, Gain Later for U.S. Drivers
Export of Fuels Likely to Increase
In the news.