Refining Outlook
ESAI Energy analyzes country-level developments in refinery crude throughput, maintenance, and capacity that have an impact on refined product supply over the next twelve months. An in-depth analysis of these country-level refining developments allows ESAI Energy to build integrated and holistic regional and global outlooks for refinery crude demand and refined product supply that are critical for decision-makers in these markets.
A monthly report provides a data-driven analysis of refinery throughput, operable capacity, and refinery margins within refined product markets. It highlights developments in the latest data and provides ESAI Energy’s analysis of how those developments will shape refinery throughput, operable capacity, and margins in the short term, including margin forecasts. The report and the dataset are updated monthly, including a twelve-month outlook each month, two-year outlooks in April and October, and a five-year outlook in July.
What's included.
Global Crude Throughput
Global Refining Capacity & Investment Forecast
Global Refining Margin Forecast
Global Maintenance and Operable Capacity Outlook
Dataset supporting all aspects of the report with country, regional data, and projections. For a full listing of table of figures, please contact us.

Benefits to you.
ESAI’s global refining report provides an outlook on operable refinery capacity, throughput, and refining margins, thereby giving clients a clear view on the relative strength of the refining industry by region. Underlying the analysis is a detailed assessment of refinery projects and refinery maintenance, which is provided in the dataset. ESAI’s refining report tallies closely with ESAI’s Global Fuels report, as the refining analysis informs regional product supply, balances and trade. The refining report and the dataset are updated monthly and include a twelve-month outlook each month, two-year outlooks in April and October, and a five-year outlook in July.

Sampling of headlines.
Middle East Output Rising with Crude and Refining Activity
Summary: Global supply is expected to grow in 2022, reaching 10.1 million b/d and furthermore in 2023. New gas explorations in the Middle East will contribute to an increase in supply starting in 2024. In the meantime, increased refinery activity and crude production will contribute to supply growth from the region. Globally, the US and Canada remain the largest source of global supply growth through the end of 2023.
Global Fuels Insight: Products Face Summer Test
Insight: Higher Rates Alleviate Some Pressure, but Not All
In the news.